


  A better way to Dictate and Transcribe...

The LE Technologies line of digital transcription is a state of the art dictation/transcription package with all of the features you have come to expect from classic dictation/transcription. Once your dictation is moved into the world of Digital media, a new dimension of possibilities opens up before your eyes.

Standard transcription features will have you up and running (typing) with minimal effort. 
User can set preferences for speed control, short rewind, short fast forward, and auto backspace.


Setup allows the ability to define your default folder for dictating and/or transcribing as well as User preferences. Import dictation from other devices, FTP transfers and setup foot pedal ports.

Ability to change own preferences and settings for each User.  Audio Setup allows User to lower volume in an instant.

Demographic information travels with each job in the system and across the internet.


Transcribe full motion Audio Visual files (.avi, .mpg, .wmv, mp3)..

Save up to 100 labeled mark positions for future reference and immediate access.